Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hair Update

My hair is starting to grow back. I currently have tiny, tiny peach fuzz all over my head. At some point, when I am brave enough, I plan to go without my wig. Hopefully, my buzz cut will make me look hip, like an athlete or an activist or a musician, rather than a cancer survivor. I look forward to getting rid of the wig. It is getting hot in Austin. Also, the short fuzzy hair under my wig makes my head itch even more.

Emma loves my soft, short fuzz. She likes to pat, kiss and caress my head. She calls me “Hairy” now. She says I look adorable.

Here is a picture of Emma’s bald parents. Some cancer bloggers post pics of themselves showing their baldheads. I am not that brave, just kind of brave. I can only show the top of my head, which actually matches nicely with the top of David’s head. This picture was taken about a month ago. Since this picture was taken, the long wispy strands of hair have fallen out and new hair has started to grow back.

Here is how the top of my head looks now. This is my Tibetan monk look and pose.


Anonymous said...

Gigi, it looks like you have a Sinead O'Connor thing going on! And look how gorgeous she is:

It's so sweet that Emma likes to pet your new fuzz. She's a very special person.

Happy Equinox and happy Spring to you all!


Your friend, Gigi said...

I checked Sinead out. She does make fuzzy hair look cool. Happy Spring to you and Roland!

Anonymous said...

If only you and David had drawn happy faces on top!
