Saturday, May 24, 2008

Moving on and giving back

This week I went back to (paid) work. I moderated a series of focus groups, completed my report and prepared a bid for the possibility of another round of qualitative research for another client. It feels great to be working again. The only physical reminder of my recent illness is the silly wig that I still wear because my real hair is still too short. Everyone tells me that that very short hair is "in." I just think I look a bit angry and militant with hair that is 1 centimeter long. I don't like the extreme hair look. I like wearing my hair messy and unstyled with clip that looks like something I wore in 5th grade to hold my hair away from my face. I think I am 6 weeks away from going wigless and 6 months away from getting to wear my a barrette again.

I must say, I kind of enjoyed having the wig on as I moderated the groups and interacted with the client. It was like my my personal, devilish little secret. "He he he. No one knows this hair is fake."

On another note, I am so sad to hear that one of my neighbors was just diagnosed with cancer. So within the past two years, two other people living within three houses of me have been diagnosed with cancer. I can't help but wonder if there is something in the environment that is causing all of this illness. Is it just a coincidence? Just random bad luck for all of us? How many more people must get sick before we really start to worry?

All I known is that I am ready to return the favor of care and compassion that my good neighbor gave me when I was diagnosed. I am ready to help others through their chemo ordeal. My wonderful family and dear friends are the ones that helped me through my ordeal. Thank you!

Now it is time to give back.

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