Monday, November 19, 2007

Just What the Doctor Ordered

Last Saturday night David and I attended a dinner/ dance gala celebrating Kerry Baker’s 30th year as a rabbi. My mom and David didn’t think I would have the energy to go out, but I was bound and determined to go. Attending this event to show support for our friends Lynda and Kerry Baker was very important to me. Lynda and Kerry are two of the many wonderful people we have met through our daughter’s daycare center.

It has been cancer, cancer, cancer around here 24/7 for the past 3 weeks or so, and I am actually kind of tired of it. I am finding that the two biggest side effects of chemo so far are fatigue and loss of appetite. But tired or not, I was ready to get out. So, I took off my sweats and house shoes; found my high heels, put on a dress; stuffed my nausea medicine and a lipstick into an evening bag and off we went.

The event was wonderful. It was great to see all the appreciation for Rabbi Baker. I sat most of the evening because I was so tired, but David and I did get to dance just a bit. I was very tired the next day, but getting out and being around friends was just what the doctor ordered.

Here is a picture of David and me almost 10 years ago. At the time of this picture, I was a doctoral student at the University of Texas working on my dissertation and teaching a class. David and I were dating at the time. I was wearing my standard issue black dress.

Here is a picture of us last Saturday night. My completed dissertation is ancient history. David and I are married with a 6-year old girl. Now with all the recent weight loss associated with my illness, I was still able to wear that same standard issue black dress.


Anonymous said...

Hi Gigi!
So sorry to hear. You'll be in our thoughts and prayers. Please continue to keep us posted on your blog. Wishing you the very best!
Trina, Shikhar & Saumya

Wendy said...

You guys haven't aged at all, seriously (I can't even make my standard hair-loss joke to Zuck ;-)!

GO YOU for getting out and having some fun! :-)

~Wendy Lieb Schapiro

Anonymous said...

Hey Gigi,

Yes, you look a bit tired but 10 years is a long time and seriously you really do not seem like you aged at all! Like Wendy S. said- YOU GO GIRL for that night out!