Friday, April 25, 2008

A clear CT scan

Dr. Fain, my oncologist here in Austin called me with news of my CT scan. All is clear. I remain in remission! I am very thankful for the good news. I also appreciate the personal phone call from my doctor. These things are so important. I will have a PET scan in about 3 months.

David's parents came for Passover. We had a very, very nice family visit. The last time they were here, I had just been diagnosed with lymphoma. We were trying to decide where I should begin treatment. It was a terrible, terrible time. We were in that space right after diagnosis and before treatment. I was in pain. I was short of breath. I was experiencing night sweats. Now I am back to normal-better than ever. I am so blessed to have this behind me.

This picture was taken last October during Sara and Paul's last visit. Arranging a family picture was on the top of my "to do" list as soon as I was diagnosed. During this photo session, David kept looking at me and saying, "You look good!" I responded with, "The damn irony of it all. I have never been sicker in my life."


Anonymous said...

What great news!

Thank you for posting right away. We've been checking daily for updates and waiting (with you) to exhale. :-)

Anonymous said...

We have been checking your blog daily also and are so glad to hear your news! Give our love to your in-laws and enjoy the visit.

Happy Spring!

Wendy said...

That is just WONDERFUL news, Gigi! Mazel tov! :-D