Monday, August 25, 2008

On the First Day of First Grade

Today is Emma's first day of first grade. She was very happy, yet calm and contained about going back to school. Emma announced a couple of weeks ago that she sure liked all the summer camps we planned for her and all, but she was ready to go back to school because she liked to learn.

One of the best parts of parenting is getting to relive childhood all over again through music, cartoons, art, books and toys from our own childhood. However, I am discovering (rather than remembering) Dr. Seuss books with Emma. I am not quite sure how I missed Seuss the first time around, but together, Emma and I are slowing checking out Seuss's collection from the library.

The Seuss books teach many of the values important to us: tolerance, equality, conservation, loyalty, curiosity, and creativity. One of the best lines comes from Ted Geisel's (aka Dr. Seuss) final book, Oh the Places You'll Go. The following charge is fitting for the start of an academic year....

You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So…..get on your way!

As I return to Texas State to teach in a few days, I think Seuss' message of optimism rings true for me too. I turned 45 about a week ago. This birthday was significant for me. For the first time, I was glad to have the previledge of growing old.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

David! I have been looking for a wig just like this one you have. Please help/give me some links of where to by one one that is like this. I have searched so much and always get the type of wigs i dont want. I am male, 19, and have long hair, but want the exact type of hip/scruffy wig you have there, and i absoultley cant find anything!!
