Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Greetings from 2:35 AM

I am on my fifth and last day of steroids. I am taking Prednisone, which represents the “P” in my R-CHOP chemo cocktail for my non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Apparently chemo treatment is more successful when paired with steroids. Side effects include insomnia, increased appetite and irritability. So, the last couple of days I have hardly slept, I eat constantly, and I have been a bit on edge. Nice.

It is so quiet in the middle of the night. I have been here before… feeding Emma as a nursing mom; prepping lectures and grading as an assistant professor; and now rattling around the house in the middle of the night as a cancer patient. The difference now is that this sleeplessness is drug induced, so I don’t crash in the day. I just keep on going, and going and going.


Anonymous said...

Hi Gigi,
I have been reading several of your blogs & this is not how I planned on getting re-acquainted with an old high school friend. Trust me, I know first hand that miracles happen every day. My son Brian, (now 25) was not given very good odds of making it to his teenage years. He has graduated from 2 differant colleges & has a degree in crimanal justice & one in sociology. He owes several thousand dollars in student loans, but he is happy living a vagabond life. He lives in the mountains with his dog & loves to travel. He has given me every gray hair I have, but if he is happy, healthy, & can pay those dang loans, I don't care what he does. Just wanted you to know that Mark & I are thinking of you. Sounds like you have a wonderful family & life.

Take Care,

Anonymous said...

Nicki? Nicki?! Is that you? My friend from the Otis High School class of 1981? Funny that we reconnect again in this way. Thank you for sharing the miracle story of your son. I appreciate your words of support from you and Mark.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gigi,

I've been following your blog since you started writing - actually it is the only thing I am reading regularly. I think of you often and really hope and pray that you feel well and recover. Anyway, if you feel like someone to chat with at 2:35 am just call us in Israel :-)


Anonymous said...

Wow! Prednisone is quite a blast, eh? Do you have a stack of movies to watch while you can't sleep? Want some good books? Or, maybe this is the time to write the novel you have been thinking of writing?!!

Love, Tandy

(P.S. I loved the cartoon you included! Where did you find it?)

Anonymous said...

Typed in "insomnia" on Google Images. Glad you liked the cartoon.