Thursday, November 29, 2007

Erev Round Two

This is the eve of my second treatment. I feel different now about chemo. On the eve of my first treatment, I was very, very eager to start chemotherapy. I was in lots of pain due to the large tumor in my liver. I was short of breath and experiencing night sweats. Now, on the eve of my second treatment, I am no longer suffering from the tumor. I have been very tired, I have gotten sick a few times, I am losing my hair, but that is about it. Not too bad.

As I face the next round of treatment, I worry that some of the other side effects of chemo will start catching up with me. I came home from my one-on-one session about the side effects of chemo with a large PowerPoint deck detailing the effects of chemo. Some of the things I might be facing include anemia (low red blood cell count); neutropenia (low white blood cell count); thrombocytopenia (low platelet count); stomatitis (sores in the mouth); peripheral neuropathy (numbness in the hands and feet); and my favorite, chemobrain (mental confusion or decreased mental clarity). Everyone is different. Perhaps I will be spared these other side effects.

David and my mom will be my two chemo sitters again this time. If this time is like the first time, I will be on a steroid high for 5 days. On the 4th day, my bones will hurt because of the Neulasta shot that I will get on Saturday that keeps my white and red blood cell count up. On Wednesday, I will be off of steroids and crash into heavy fatigue that will continue until I go into round three of chemo, which is scheduled for December 21.


Anonymous said...

Hi Gigi,

Thanks for the posts. We are checking in regularly, thinking of you and sending good vibes from Davis (people in California do that sort of thing...).

John and Nina

Anonymous said...

Hi Gigi,

The story of how Emma was grooming you was really lovely. I am really glad to read your blog. Sending you good vibes from Cambridge (don't know if people do that kind of thing from here!).

Love, Tandy

Anonymous said...

What a Godsend Emma is! You're trying to protect her only to find she's your best medicine.


dquack said...

Hope all went well yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gigi

I hope all went well... I log in to read your postings at bedtime and it is now like an obsession for me. I am so grateful to the guy who invented the Internet (Tim Berners-Lee?). It is comforting to stay in touch instead of coming up with various scenarios about what is going on out there -and we are talking about the other half of the world from where I am!

