Monday, December 10, 2007

CT Scan Today

Last Friday at a doc appointment, my oncologist was very pleased with the way my body is responding to the chemo. He felt around my stomach and reported that the tumor in my liver is now down 30-40%! My doctor was happy. David was happy. I was happy, but all I wanted to do was crawl down on the floor and go to sleep. While my body is doing a great job of killing the cancer cells, I am feeling the effects of chemo. The biggest consistent side effect seems to be fatigue. It is an effort just to move from the bed to the couch as I sleep a good part of the day. Sometimes I feel like I can’t even hold my weight when I stand. It is a fatigue like I have never felt before, almost drug induced (I guess this fatigue IS drug induced). So, while I am getting better in the long run, I feel very weak and tired on a daily basis. Like we told Emma, I would be a little sick before I got completely better.

Today I have a CT scan to see exactly how far the tumor has gone down. I will have the results later this week.


Anonymous said...

Such great news!!! I'm really glad, and I have to thank you for keeping us informed.

Love, Tandy

Anonymous said...

Hi Gigi,
We're rooting for you -
Leonard and Sara

Anonymous said...

Dear Gigi

Great news! I also appreciate the fact that you keep us posted despite the fatigue. I guess it means your body is in an off mode caring for itself. Don't be too hard on yourself...

Love, Ebru

Genice said...


This sounds very promising. You made my day. I remember how tired I was having pneumonia. I can sort of imagine what it's like.

Hang in there.

Love Genice