Friday, December 7, 2007

Wig Shop Photo Essay

One of the odd, fun things of this hair loss has been the experience of shopping for a wig. When I walked into the shop, I was mesmerized by the rows and rows of female heads with assorted hairstyles. The older heads are made of white Styrofoam with bright red lips. The short grey wigs are on these older heads.

The newer heads look almost life-like with long swan necks, heavy eye makeup and pouty, red lips. None of the faces on the models have a smile. They all have a distant, vacant look like real models in magazines often do.

I am attracted to these heads yet repulsed and a little scared of them at the same time. The collection of heads seems campy and fun….something that you would find in an art director’s cubicle of an ad agency. Then I start thinking of the scary movies I have seen where real looking dolls come to life. Or I see these heads like disembodied versions of the women from the mid 70’s movie, The Stepford Wives. In any case, I enjoyed taking pictures and choosing my wig from the following collection of styles. ( I am having trouble posting pictures. I could only upload these few pics.)


Anonymous said...

Hi Gigi!

Which one did you pick? Same color as your own hair, or something different?? A new style, or something like what you have?


Anonymous said...

Dear Gigi

I agree, they all look like babes (I mean those of the Stepford Wives make) but from one of those weird, scary movies! So many clues to pick up from them. It is ironic that grey hair wigs are placed only with the basic "heads"- I mean, it is like the worst way of saying "you are old, don't expect too much". They could have at least placed a single one with those shi-shi heads. By the way, I like the second one at the last group of pictures and all of them are very natural looking. Just keep in mind that all of this is a temporary thing until you get your own hair back!



Wendy said...

What, no day-glo pink gogo wig?!? ;-)

Can't wait to see a picture of you with the 'new' 'do!

~Wendy Schapiro